Thursday, November 3, 2011

Back at it again!

Yes, we are crazy!  Yes, we are insane!  But we so missed the full-time RVing lifestyle.  So after we have both undergone spinal fusion surgeries (we have matching scars) physical therapy, chiropractic care, massage and accupuncture, we are at it again!  We have leased our house with an option to buy for three years, purchased a truck capable of pulling a trailer and a brand new trailer.  We have moved into the trailer and have it parked for a few weeks at a friend's property.  In January, we will be campground hosting at Saddleback Butte State Park in California.  And in the warmer months, will be campground hosting in Washington.  So, we get up in the morning.  Clean the home, and 15 minutes later have the day left to . . . . . .. . . . . whatever.  Play, paint, walk, contemplate our navels, read - you name it.