Wednesday, August 29, 2012


     I think we are making progress.  We have a building permit and can build.  So we have un-built the walls.
     And, we un-built the deck.

     And we pulled off the roof!

So, we seem to be making great progress!  The good news though is that we have added insulation.

Isn't insulation supposed to be on the bedroom floor?
       We have new wires.
They just are not connected to anything!
And, what is very exciting is that we have new wood that does not smell like rot and mold, and sub-floors that you cannot put your foot through.

We haven't un-built the view!
Really, we are making progress, but we are obviously not finished!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Time for a change

     Sometimes life just sneaks up on you.  We learned through our winter in California that traveling is just too hard on Mike.  He needs someplace permanent to stay and settle down.  I would love to keep traveling, but I love Mike much more, so we have returned to Whidbey Island.  We started looking for a small home on no more than 1/2 of an acre.  First we found a little house on Deer Lake.  We were getting pretty excited when we learned that the septic system had failed and it would cost $20,000 to build a new one.  We were disappointed, but returned to looking at real estate.  We found another property, with a small house and a great view and access to the sound.  We made an offer on April 27th.  It was a "short" sale, but the listing said that the price was "bank approved" and that there would be no delays.  In bank talk, that means it takes forever.  It took three weeks to even get the bank to look at the offer!  Then we had a nightmare working with one bank.  We kept hearing that we could do it, we just need one more thing.  And we were told that the appraisal would be a drive by, but the drive-by turned into a very thorough inspection with a long list of "must dos".  Again, we worked and worked.  We obtained two estimates on everything in the long list.  We provided proof of our blood types and genetic makeup.  But in the end, when the bank insisted on a building permit before closing, and the town said we couldn't even apply until we could prove ownership of the property, we threw in the towel - for about 10 hours; just long enough for all the contractors we planned on using to take us out of their schedule.  And then we found another bank that specializes in construction loans, and we closed on July 30th.  We have moved our trailer to the property, but will continue to live in the trailer while the major remodeling takes place.

We took several "before" pictures, showing that it is a small house, (925 square feet) and that it needs a lot of work.

We also took pictures to show why we thought all the work was worth it!  Great view and beach just 1/2 block away!  Since we have moved here (yes, only one week) I have walked on the beach every day.

But I don't want to minimize the work to be done.

This is our pet mushroom, growing in the laundry room.

Beautiful modern kitchen with lots of cabinet space.


Living room with stylish curtains.

One of two lovely bedrooms with the latest in curtains.

What the pictures don't show is the antique old torch down roof that is leaking and allowing mold and mushrooms to grow.  AND the SMELL is BIG.  We have to admit, it is scary to take on this project.  It takes blind faith (or extreme stupidity) to keep going.