Thursday, April 29, 2010


All month long it has been a challenge to get dressed for work in the motorhome, and get campground host duties done and show up for work.  All month long I have been thinking "I can't wait until I am done"  Well, now I am and I feel unsettled.  I keep thinking, "did I tell Margaret (my replacement) everything she needs to know?"  Is it really OK for me to leave next week and go to California rather than being available to go into the office for the Board meeting?  Am I really done being a lawyer?  For a long time, my identity has included being an attorney, over educated, and somewhat pompous.  Now I pick up litter and sweep picnic shelters.  I suspect I am going through a little of what most retirees go through - but am I a retiree?  I don't know.

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