Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas on the road

     We left Washington on December 19th, and headed south.  We stopped for the night in Kelso, Washington, and it was cold.  We stopped for the night near Ashland,  Oregon, and it was colder yet!  We stopped for the night in Red Bluff,  California, and it was getting warmer.  We arrived at Mike's parent's house in the cool 60s.  All we had to do was turn into a narrow drive wayand get past the gate and fence.  And then park.  An hour later, we were ready to hunker down for Christmas.  Mike's mother moved into an adult care facility in September, and this was his father's first Christmas without her in 65 years.  I cooked a turkey dinner for Christmas eve, and Mike's brother and niece joined us.  We ate the leftovers for 4 more days!

Christmas Eve dinner
 On Christmas morning, Mike and I opened our presents to each other and gave presents to his dad.

 And then we went to Mike's sister's house for an amazing brunch and visiting with family and dogs.  (There were five dogs present, including our Louie!)
Party animals
    The next day, Marty, Marisa and Lola joined us visiting Mike's mom and had lunch with us in our "home".  Lola has grown since we saw her in October!

Of course we gave Lola a doll!

The doll and Lola have pockets

 When we first arrived, Louie was terrified of the big dogs in the pasture, and barked at them from behind my legs.  Later he watched and watched from behind the fence, and by the time we were ready to leave, he was sitting IN the pasture for hours on end, watching those big dogs.
3 big dogs and Louie
We enjoyed our time with family, but on the 28th pulled our long trailer out of the driveway and headed south.  On to more adventures!

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