Monday, May 31, 2010

And we're off!

Mike with rangers.Empty host siteour long caravan!We aren't even gone before we are replaced!

      We left Bowman Bay today, and really began our adventure.  We said goodbye to the rangers, and while we were talking with them, our replacements (from Montana) called to say they were ariving a day early, was their spot ready.  We hooked up the car and motorhome and vacated the site almost a complete 5 minutes before they arrived.  And then we hit the road.
      We quickly noticed an engine noise and had to pull over to check it out about five miles down the road.  Mike unscrewed the engine cover and found a mouse nest clogging a pipe.  I hope that all of our mechanical problems along the way are as easily repaired!  When we were almost to the border, we heard a huge crash and looked down to see the refrigerator door resting between our chairs on the floor.  Food was flying everywhere!  Again we stopped.  Mike was able to reinstall the door and found that some of the screws had come loose and we suspect that we had put too much weight in the door shelves.  A lesson we won't soon forget.  We were lucky that nothing spilled out of containers.  We cleaned up and set off again.
      Crossing the border was no problem and we didn't have to wait at all.  The customs official didn't even ask if we had produce.  I did not need to give away that bag of food!  (Much of which we got from Canadians returning home and not trying to take their produce with them.)
      We drove through beautiful farm country on a secondary highway.  Lots of dairy cattle and green fields and large mountains in the background with various clouds and rain covering them.  Rain was pouring on us at times with rain drops the size of cherries.  When we had traveled about three hours we began looking for a place to stay.  We didn't make it as far as we thought we would, but it doesn't matter.  We have no time schedule.  We are at a small RV park in Agassiz, BC.
      It feels very strange to have no schedule.  Not only do we not have to set an alarm, etc., but unlike any trip I have ever taken, we don't have to end our vacation in a week or two.  We don't have the tension that comes with worrying about vacation time passing too quickly.  We are blessed beyond belief!


  1. Keep up the posting, their fun to read. Looks like you are all ready working out the bugs. Be safe and have fun. Brooks

  2. I think I can get this to you, now that I've jumped through many hoops!! Love what you've written so far, now that I've found the blog. Good luck, keep sending photos and info on where you are so I can travel with you vicariously.
    Mary Ellen

  3. HI Dad. Hi Chris. It dawned on me today that I had not read your blog I did and I have enjoyed it. I will check in every so often. Lola and Taylor say "hello" GOOD LUCK, BE SAFE, AND HAVE FUN!!!
