Friday, May 14, 2010

Delicious day!

Today has been the warm beautiful day for which we have spent the last 6 weeks waiting.  We spent the morning cleaning up after the middle school group and then decided to reward ourselves with a ride on the jet boat that offers tours of the Deception Pass area.  It was gloriously sunny and a perfect day for a boat ride.  I have posted pictures above. 

When we got back, I set up my easel and paints and painted a picture of the bay and one of the old rock buildings built by the CCCs.  A woman came by very interested in the painting and asked if I would sell it and how much I would charge.  I offered it to her for $75 because it was still wet, and would need to be varnished later. She sat with me and talked for a bit while I painted.  She  wanted to buy the painting, but called her 85 year old father to discuss whether this was a want or a need, and then declined, stating that she was disabled and had limited income.  She was visiting another couple that is staying in the campground, and she was leaving around dusk.  After dinner, she came over to invite me for smores.  She told the rest of the group how much she liked my painting as we set around the fire.  She struck me as being very vulnerable and kind, and on the spur of the moment when she was leaving, I gave her the painting.  She seemed very pleased.  After she left, I learned from the people that she was visiting that she had been violently assaulted a year ago, and that she had been on the island for the sentencing of the man that had assaulted her.  I am so grateful that I can give offer something to another person.  When I give something it seems that I get back more in love than whatever I gave!  ( The smore was delicious too!)


  1. I knew from the beginning of your story that it would end with you giving her the painting :)

  2. That was amazing and very special! Oh and Chris, Boomer is my dog (Karen Hume) as he has a google account & I don't. Stop laughing, he has his own farm on farmville...No I haven't lost my mind..well maybe just a lttle. lol

  3. I love when things done out of kindness and a genuine desire to bring joy to someone turn out so well. What an uplifting story Chris! I'm glad you shared it. It would be really nice to see photos of your paintings, too! I enjoyed the scenery and animal photos so much. Nothing like an eagle to take your breath away! Beautiful!
