Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Holidays

The holidays are over and it is time for me to catch up!  We parked our trailer and truck at my sister Gale's house and flew back to Washington and California for most of December.  We stayed with our grandsons, Noah and Luke, 5 and 3 respectively for a week while Mom and Dad vacationed in warm Mexico.  What a schedule!  Up at 5:30, breakfast and dressing, catch the 7:30 ferry, drop Luke off at daycare, take Noah to Kindergarten, pick Noah up at 2:30, then pick up Luke, back on the ferry.  Play time, homework, dinner, baths and to bed.  Short sleep and then start it all over again.  I don't remember parenting being so energy draining.  How did I do it?  Needless to say, while I thoroughly enjoyed the time with the boys, it was a relief to see parents return. I got to volunteer one day at Noah's kindergarten class and attend Luke's preschool program.

Luke is in the train sweater.

 While the boys were at school, I went shopping and to doctor's appointments.  When parents returned, I had 8 screws removed from my foot.  And then it was Christmas!
 Christmas Eve we had a wonderful dinner with family, and then played some games.  We unwrapped a present with many layers of wrapping using oven mitts as gloves.  We passed the package on every time someone was able to roll a six on a dice.  Noah unwrapped the last layer and won a $5 bill.

                                                        Do you need help Aunt Alison?
Is it Bobby?

                           Then, while blindfolded we tried to identify who was standing in front of us, using only wooden spoons. 

                                        Then we saw some examples of dental work needed.

        And finally prepared for Santa's imminent visit with a letter and cookies (cocese).

                       On Christmas morning we learned that Santa does not have a dog.  And he left just what two boys had asked Santa to bring.
                                                          Before the storm hit!
                                                 Did Santa come?  Is there anything downstairs?
                                                               He did come!
                                               And he brought what we asked for!

                       We had a wonderful day, enjoying time with happy boys and peaceful parents.

We had time to visit with greatly missed friends and family and take care of doctor's appointments and business errands.  It was hard to leave Washington, but we will be back in five months to see those we love again!

The day after Christmas we went to the San Francisco Bay area to visit with Mike's family; parents, kids and granddaughter Lola.  Lola will be one in February, but is already standing and so close to walking. 

       In summary - we had wonderful holidays with wonderful people!

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