Monday, January 17, 2011

North Carolina

     We came to North Carolina in early December hoping to enjoy some warmer weather while visiting with my sister Gale and her family.  When we had left Pennsylvania ,we thought we were in the nick of time to avoid any snow on this trip.  Wrong!!!!!   We stayed in Greensboro only for four days before traveling to Washington, and it did snow the day before we left. 

                                                  Elijah with Grandma Gale
                                              Nephew Isaiah, nephew Scott, Elijah and DeeDee
Camping in the snow!

We went bowling!
                                                Lovely neice Bree!
                                                    Handsome nephew Isaiah.
                                            Brother-in-law Kenny demonstrating good form!
                                            And we all went out for sushi - yum!!!

     We got to meet my grand-nephew, Elijah, for the first time.  He is the son of nephew Scott.  We also got to meet Elijah's mother, DeeDee who is very special!  We left our trailer and our dog Bernie with Gale and Kenny and traveled to Washington and California.  Both places were cold and when I left Washington, it was snowy and icy.  But when I arrived back in North Carolina, the weather was again cold and snowy.  We had time to again visit with the family in Greensboro, and then went to Ashville to celebrate neice, Trisha's birthday.  At her request (thank you Trish, it was wonderful!) we visited the Biltmore Estate.  This was built by the Vanderbuilt family.  It has a mere 295 rooms and huge estate grounds used for hunting, fishing, fox hunting,and includes massive gardens (buried in snow) a vineyard and winery.  What a rough life!

     OK - I know you weren't supposed to take pictures inside, but I couldn't
                              resist.  No self control!  Maybe when I grow up I will have some.
                                     Small dining room!  Everybody needs this in their home!
                                                       Front yard.
                                                      And I thought I was cold!
                                 Front yard from an upstairs window.  Notice the screen.
                                                   Porch and view of the grounds.


Resting after walking through the house.

                        Family by an oversized iron in Ashville.  Why the iron?  I don't know!

    We had a fun shopping in the stores in Ashville and then ate a spicy lunch in an Indian restaurant.  I love Indian food!  But best of all, I loved being able to just enjoy being with my sister and her family.  I so rarely get the opportunity.   We returned to Greensboro to wait out the weather. Frozen pipes were a daily problem and getting extremely (Grandson Noah says that extremely means very, very, very, very, very .....) annoying!  When the roads were clear, we hightailed it out of North Carolina, heading to the southern coastal areas where we hope to find warmer tempatures.

Frozen grass and beauty bark at a gas station while heading towards the coast.

      This trip reminded me again how much I love my sister Gale, and how much I miss her.  It was so nice to spend time with her and all of her family again.  I won't wait so long again!

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