Sunday, July 18, 2010

The most wonderful of days! 7/14

This lady watched us for over an hour in camp.

We woke this morning to a cloudless cerilian blue sky and warm air.  We packed our breakfast in a fanny pack and walked the mile trail to the hot springs.  The trail meandered through meadows along a stream (not a brook or crick or creek).  We arrived at a small pool dug out on a hill looking over the valley.  We entered the pool and found a perfect temperature for soaking, about 101 degrees, and sat in the sun and enjoyed the views and the water for about an hour and a half.  The only person in sight the entire time was one grader operator on the road off in the distance.  The meadows had many flowers and boulders.  Below us was a marshy area with birds twittering about.  It was heaven. Bernie would sit with us for a few minutes and then go and explore.  Then he would check on us again and explore some more.  You could see contentment on his face.  (OK, maybe I am projecting.) When we were done, we sat on a boulder  and ate our breakfast while taking in the sights and sounds of the meadow.  Peace surrounded us in the beauty of nature.  We sauntered back to camp and relaxed in the sun.  Then, I took painting supplies up to a hill to paint the colors of the valley.  I am so intrigued with the combinations of flowers, sage brush and pine tree colors.  Mike brought a blanket and layed close by and read his book.  I painted until dinner time, and then we cooked some good spaghetti.  Mike tried fishing a little, and while he didn't catch anything he saw some large very dark fish close to camp.  I haven't seen this type before and we don't know what they are, but they aren't interested in the flies we have with us.  Smart fish!

Guard dog Bernie

He couldn't resist!  And after the thousands of times he has made circles and scratched at imaginary grass while getting ready to lay down, he finally got to scratch at real long grass and make a bed.

                                                 How deep is that pool?

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