Tuesday, July 20, 2010

On to Emigrant, Montana 7/15

     We left the Potosi Hot Springs and drove a back road to Bozman, a freeway to Livingston and then a highway down to Emigrant where Mike's sister lives.  The road first travels along the Madison River and through more enticing ranch country.  I know it is easy, when the sun is shinning and everything is so beautiful, to romanticize ranching.  Everything looks so peaceful and easy.  I don't tend to think about taking care of sick animals, feeding animals in the dead of winter, or seven days a week, lots and lots of animal poop or dealing with the stress of fluctuating income or lack of income.  But if I were to be a rancher, I would want to do so in this beautiful country.
     I did not know that there were pelicans that live in fresh water, but on the Madison River we saw many pelicans.  They are not very good at waiting for you to get your camera ready and posing for pictures.  While I got a few, most of the pelicans drifted away without any concern that they wouldn't make it on this blog.  I just don't understand!
     We spent some time in Livingston doing laundry and eating lunch.  It is a sweet small city in the sun, of course.  The highway from Livingston to Yellowstone Park follows the Yellowstone River through Paridise Valley which is quite aptly named.  Laura lives on a hill overlooking the valley and the river.  She sees eye-stretching mountains in every direction.  And the sunsets she sees are absolutely incredible.
This truck is not what you expect to see on a narrow dirt road!

Views from Laura's  home

Brother and sister carwash team!

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