Friday, July 9, 2010

Best words ever!

No evidence of cancer!!!!   I spent the last week or so at my daughters, taking care of grandsons, 5 and 3, while she had her thyroid removed and worked on recovering.  After a week it was time for me to leave and return "home", but the pathology report was not in, and needless to say, there always is that nagging thought in the back of your mind, "what if".  I spent the week going to a carnival where I got to ride the airplanes and small rollacoaster and climb a rope net to a 3 story slide so that the three year old could go on these rides, going to a 4th of July parade, watching the family fireworks extravaganza and holding philosophical discussions with the boys in my bed at 6:30 a.m.  I loved the time with them and already miss them terribly!  I also got to see some good friends and nourish my soul with hugs from both family and friends.  But the best news ever was that the thyroid contained no sign of cancer!

Still organizing!
In my absence Mike had continued from Calgary, Alberta to Kalispell, Montana where he could park the motorhome at a friend's.  And then he started working.  He traded our car for a truck, emptied the motorhome, and pursued selling it. He also negotiated a great deal on a fifth wheel.  When I returned, the motorhome was still not sold, so we held "open houses" and finally sold the darn thing on Wednesday.  We picked up the fifth wheel on Thursday.  We have more actual living room in the trailer.  I attached pictures and you can see, we are still trying to find places for a few things.  We owe the bank a bit more, but really came out about equal in debt to what we had before.  (We could sell the house to pay for it and just live in the trailer forever?)

Today, we are heading up to Glacier National Park for a couple of days, and then will head towards Mike's sister south of Bozman to spend some time with her. 


  1. Very Cool! Now you can park the 5th and cruise around in the truck and see the area. That Mike is one "Horse trader". Bet you get better mileage too.

  2. I don't know where you'll be but I'm leaving tomorrow morning for MT on the bike. I'll give you a call in a few days.

  3. We will still be in Montana somewhere. It would be nice to connect!

  4. The new trailer looks great! So glad it worked out. You will LOVE Glacier. See you whenever you're in the area. Here's my schedule for the next several days:

    Sat. & Sun: Summit University retreat ends; staying at headquarters until Monday.

    Mon: Off, moving my stuff back home in Emigrant; resting

    Tue: Will probably be at work; if you're heading down my way call me at work or cell (call cell first:

    Work: 406-848-9749
    Cell: 406-600-9053

    See you soon!! Drive safe.

  5. P.S. So glad there is no cancer!!!

  6. (marty said)Looks good dad....did you improve your MPG's? does the trailer have more square footage then the motorhome? anyhow, hope all is well with you and chris. Glad to hear there was no to you soon.
