Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jasper National Park 6/27

Today we finished the trip to Calgary.  We drove through Jasper and Banff National Parks.  The drive was one of the best yet.  It leaves you wondering how to compare beauty to beauty.  We have seen several different ecosystems and environments, more mountains than we will ever be able to count, and I can't even try to rate them.  All I know is that they are all beautiful, and today's drive is up there with the best!

We climbed to the mountain tops and saw glacier after glacier.  We went from big trees to stunted trees to big trees and then to beautiful hilly range land.  We saw lots of wildlife warning signs, but with all the traffic, any wild animal would be crazy to be near the road!  Even so, we saw one moose running along the road.  It was truly amazing!

Tonight, we are camped in an RV park outside of Calgary, near the airport so that I can fly home for a few days tomorrow and because we had a mountain, not comparable to the others we have seen except in size, of laundry to get done.  This park is actually a little depressing.  It is primarily full of people living here full time.  There are multitudes of small trailers housing entire families including 2 to 5 children each.  It brings to mind the term "Hooverville" only I think that more recent US politics are to blame.  (Yes Bush, I am thinking of you!)  The signs in the park and the laundry room paint a picture of trying to keep peace among a dense population of down and outers.  Everyone is polite and trying to cope as best as possible, but I really hate to see children caught up in the trap of poverty.

I am tired so I will let the pictures tell the story tonight!

Canadian target!


Tomorrow, I will travel to Amie's to spend a few days with her family.  Mike will continue our trip to Kalispell and I will meet him there in a week or so and then we will continue on with our fantastic adventure.  There are many more turns to make!

1 comment:

  1. Need a few self portrait photo's. Forgot what you look like.
