Saturday, May 1, 2010

Anything for the prom!

This afternoon it has gotten increasingly windy here. With wind-chill factored in, it can't be any warmer than 40 degrees.  We walked out by the pier at 5:30, and saw three couples posing for pictures on the pier in full prom regality .   The three young women were all in sleeeveless and backless gowns and stood on the dock for pictures at least twenty minutes.  They young men of course had tuxes, and the adults, presumably parents, all were wearing coats and hats.  What we will do for the perfect pictures!  (I remember posing in the living room when I went to the prom.  It was much warmer!)

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading your blogs... your very own cyber stalker! LOL Keri
