Monday, May 3, 2010

What a difference a day makes!

We woke up in the middle of the night to the motor home rocking and rolling like a boat in ferocious winds.  Mike was up early helping campers pack up and moving large branches out of the road so that people could leave.  Tents were flapping and bending in the wind and sleepless looking campers were bundled up and still looking cold.   I went into town, and while I was gone, Mike moved the motor home to the parking lot where there weren't so many threatening trees and branches.  He made a wise move, as later a large branch fell right where the motor home had been.  Waves were whipping through the dock and up on the beach.  Gusts were up to 60 or 70 miles per hour.  The rangers closed the campground so we're the only ones here tonight.  It is still windy, but seems to be slowing a bit.  I took some pictures, but they just don't do justice to the rip roaring gusts.

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