Thursday, May 13, 2010

Campground breakout

We have 142 middle schoolers plus teachers and chaparones staying at the campground this week.  There are so many tents, it looks like the campground has chicken pox.    The group is from Kirkland and come to Deception Pass every year.  They do some park improvement building projects, environmental study, team building exercises and I don't know what else but they are very busy.  At night they have a big campfire with singing.  Meals are very popular and when the bell (yes, they brought one) rings bodies come running from every direction to the meal tent set up next to us.  Of course there are the furtive hugs and kisses behind the tents and buildings.  I am amazed by the planning that has gone into this event and the number of adults that it takes to keep it running smoothly.  It really is fun to watch the energy that the kids have and their enthusiasm for the different activites.

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